
The Way I See It
Dear Friends of King Printing,
First, I want you to know how grateful we are for your support during these unusual times. Please know that we will continue do everything possible to make it easier for you to do business with us. Call in with your orders (814-238-2536), e-mail us (sales@KingPrintingOnline.com), send a message or place an order on our website. When the order is ready, you may pick it up safely, just let us know if you want us to bring it to your car. Or give us instructions to follow when we deliver the job. No need to come to our office if you do not want to! You, your health, and safety are our priority.
I read a story about a man who was looking for an easy way to strike it rich during the gold rush. He purchased some equipment with hopes to mine gold. After a few days without finding any gold, he became frustrated and tired. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where he left off. This man was ambitious and determined to succeed. He worked tirelessly for days on end and struck gold a few weeks after taking over, not far from where the first miner stopped digging.
Here’s the way I see it: J. Calvin Coolidge said it best, “The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.”
As printers, this slogan has a special place in our hearts, but it holds true regardless of industry or task at hand. So, friends, do “press on” despite these unsettling times. And, if we can help in any way, let us know. We will be happy to chat even if it has nothing to do with printing!
Wishing you Happy 4th and a sunny summer. Stay safe and healthy.


Print Troubleshooting Tips for Adobe InDesign

Do you need a time-saving companion in the fast-paced world of design?
Adobe InDesign is a commonly used creative design tool across many industries, especially those relating to page layouts and graphic design.
Here are some practical tips to optimize workflows and troubleshoot common InDesign printing challenges.
Documents and Layouts
To ensure a perfect final print, start by inspecting:
Document size and bleed settings. Ensure your document size matches the intended page size and that any bleed (an extra amount of printed image that extends to the edge of a page) is set up correctly. Bleeds usually extend beyond the trim edge by 1/8 inch or 3 mm.
Color profiles. Does the color profile in your document match the printer’s specifications? CMYK is typically used for professional printing.
Image resolution. To avoid pixelation, all images should be 300 dpi or higher.
Fonts. Before sending files to print, all fonts must be embedded. Go to File > Package to include them.
Software & Presets
InDesign comes with many settings that make printing a snap. Here are a few:

Use the PDF/X-1a preset when exporting for printing. This ensures compatibility with most professional printing systems.
Before printing, go to Window > Output > Preflight to check your document for glitches.
Verify the correct printer is selected in the print dialog box. Use Document to modify settings such as output and color management. Use Print Separations to investigate colors that are displaying incorrectly.
Print-Specific Problems

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting paralyzed by last-minute tech troubles. If you’re stuck at the final stages, try any of the following:
- Confirm that your printer is turned on and properly connected.
- Make sure the most recent, up-to-date printer drivers are installed.
- Use the correct paper type and clear any paper jams before attempting a second print run.
- Streaks or smudges? Check for damaged ink cartridges or clean printheads if needed.
- Consult with your printer manual or a technician if you experience ghosting or double printing.
Finally, it’s always wise to test print a small part of your document before sending bigger projects to print. If you are working with a professional printer, contact the print service in advance to discuss their preferred settings and requirements.

See more great ideas like this!
Click here to visit the King Printing - Ideas Collection.


Boost Your Marketing with a Plan
A marketing plan is just as vital as a business plan. Depending on your budget, your marketing plan can be elaborate or relatively simple. Here are a few things to consider when creating or updating a marketing plan:
- Define and describe your niche or target audience. This could include age, sex, location, job title, or more. For example, your audience could be homeowners between the age of 30-65 who live within 30 miles of your business.
- Create a list of the benefits that your products or services provide. For example, if you are selling window well covers, they provide safety for pets and family, protect your home from intruders, keep the elements out (snow, rain, leaves, etc.), and add beauty to your home.
- Identify key ways that your business is different from your competition. Perhaps you source all products in the USA, offer a lifetime warranty, or a price match guarantee. Use these unique selling propositions in your marketing efforts.
- Make a wish list and prioritize content you’d like to create and/or update, such as print marketing materials, paid advertising, direct mail campaigns, signage, videos, social media engagement, your website/online presence, newsletters and blogs, tradeshow displays, customer loyalty or referral programs, and more.
- Increase your business exposure by offering customer training or workshops, write industry articles and/or speak at conferences, increase press release announcements, and boost your networking efforts in your community and overall industry.
- Set attainable sales and marketing goals for the upcoming year, such as increasing your online sales by 15 percent, and social media followers by 20 percent. Track the results and use this data to tweak and improve your marketing efforts.
- Most importantly, update your marketing plan frequently. Markets and products evolve, economy changes, and customers come and go, so your marketing plan should be flexible and have the ability to change as needed.



Link Excel into Word
Did you know that you can make your Microsoft Word reports more powerful and professional by linking Excel data into your Word document? Here are easy instructions on how to link Excel data in a Word document:
- Open your Word document and place your cursor where you want the data to display.
- Then open Excel and copy the cells you want to include. If you plan to expand columns or rows, select the entire worksheet by clicking the triangle in the upper left corner where the rows and columns meet.
- Return to Word and click Home>Paste>choose the dropdown options, and select “Link & Use Destination Styles” or “Link & Keep Source Formatting.”
Because you are linking the spreadsheet, data editing must be done in the original Excel worksheet. This info will automatically update in Word every time you change data in Excel. If the Excel file is moved, the link to the Word document needs to be re-established. And if you plan to transport the Word file or use it on another computer, the Excel file must be transported along with it.
If you’re looking for helpful tips to save time on your next printing project, we’re just a click away!

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King Printing, 3500 E. College Ave., Ste. 1000, State College, PA 16801 814-238-2536